I used 24 balls of Noro Kureyon to knit 30 panels. For the edging, I was not quite satisfied with the original pattern instruction and did somewhat fancier version from this pattern book by Hirose Mitsuharu.
オリジナルより大きめにしたかったので、野呂さんのくれよんを24玉使ってパネルを30枚あみました。エッジングはKnitty のパターンにしたがわず、広瀬光春さんのパターンを使いました。
Pardon me for the poor quality of the close up below. Hopefully, you get the idea of what was done differently.
It was an absolutely fun and satisfying project from the beginning to the end. I don't know how Mr. Noro Eisaku does it, but his colors are just gorgeous. They are really captivating. The designer, Laura Aylor, used Kureyon so cleverly. I am grateful to both! DDs were impressed more than any other projects I've ever done. They requested to have one each. We shall see.
最初から最後まで、興味を失うことなく随分速く編めました。 野呂栄作さんの糸の色使いは素晴らしく、一度編み始めるとなかなか止められません。 デザイナーのLaura Aylorさんの引き返し編みの使い方には慣れるまで少し手こずりましたが、よく出来ています。 私の娘たちも気に入って、欲しいと言われ、ニッコリです。
追記: 日本語で書くのって、ずいぶん難しいです。おかしな日本語になっているかもしれません。 これから、少しずつ日本語で書くつもりです。 宜しく!
Wonderful! Excellent work!
ReplyDeleteIt's beautiful! I like your edging.
ReplyDeleteHow wonderful! Andthe edging is perfect!
ReplyDeletehi May,
ReplyDeleteThe afghan is gorgeous - what amazing colors! I can't believe you finished so fast.
But yes, a couple cute mice still running around - saying 'catch me' - and we will....
ReplyDeleteThat is absolutely exquisite!
ReplyDeleteThe Knitsmiths told me yesterday that you did this. It's gorgeous! I have Kureyon waiting in stash for this. Did you find any errors in the pattern?
ReplyDeleteCarol, I did follow the pattern closely, except for the way it instructs you to wrap and turn. I just used my usual method. Also, I used a fancier crochet border.